Winter driving checklist

11 January 2024

Winter road conditions can be dangerous for so many reasons, regardless of your driving experience or ability. Snow and ice make roads particularly slippery, increasing your stopping distance to put you more at risk than any other time of the year. The increased likelihood of other adverse conditions - like fog, frost and driving rain - also mean motorists have to handle winter roads with extra care and attention. Even on sunnier days, winter roads pose risks, with sun glare extremely dangerous.

With this in mind, preparing and taking additional precautions is a must come winter. Read on to discover what your winter driving checklist should include.

Beware of battery failure

Battery failure can happen at any moment, but the chances of your battery packing in increase the colder the weather gets. Jump leads can get you out of this sticky spot so don’t leave them behind when driving this winter.

Prepare for breakdowns

Being stranded in the middle of nowhere is inconvenient at the best of times. Prepare yourself for breakdown, wherever and whenever that may strike, by carrying the right supplies, including those that keep you warm and safe.

Have blankets and a spare set of warm clothing stored in your vehicle throughout winter, along with a torch, in-car phone charger, shovel, snacks and the usual breakdown gear (such as reflective warning signs, Hi-Vis jacket and first aid kit).

Keep it clear

Ensuring optimum visibility when driving is a must at any time of year, yet winter presents extra challenges.

By law, the front and back windscreens of your vehicle should be clear before setting off on any journey. Make sure you’re prepared for anything by having a good quality de-icer and scraper to hand in your vehicle to clear ice and snow.

Protect yourself

While we’re on the subject of visibility, protecting your eyes from winter sun is vital. Keep those sunglasses handy in your car to safeguard against the sun’s glare in the day and the dazzling headlights of other road users at night.

Top up fluids

Oil and coolant become even more essential during winter, so don’t skip your usual checks, especially if you intend to embark on a long journey. In addition to topping up fluids and making sure you have plenty of fuel, check your lights and wipers are in good working order. Tyres should also be at the right pressure, and free from damage and excessive wear.

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